First Lines For Some Poems about Spring Waiting to Be Written

The buds peek out, still trying to decide...

As the peepers begin their song, the fiddleheads play along...

A goldfinch and a phoebe met on the sill of my window to chat...

The tubing climbs through the woods, blue as the sky above...

His lost toy truck digs itself out of the snowbank...

We could hear the stream chuckling this morning, it was glad to feel the sun...

No more tracks across the yard. Where has everybody gone...

Tonight we'll finally sleep with our window open wide...

Muddy. Muddier. Muddiest....

I know now what's missing: that hint of woodsmoke from my neighbor's...

The geese overhead must be happy, can't you hear them laughing to be back...

Oh, geez... Is that snow...

Let me leave You this poem here on Your doorstep,

My thank-you note for this gift of Spring...

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