Technical Publications
Deutsch, Stephen, Nichael Cramer, George Keith, Bobbi Freeman, Feb 1999.
"The Distributed Opermater Model Architecture."
(AFRL-HE-WP-TR-1999-0023). Wright-Patterson AFB, OH: Human Effectiveness Directorate, Deployment Sustainment Division.
Cramer, Nichael Lynn, 1998.
"Distributed-OMAR: Reconfiguring a Lisp System as a Hybrid Lisp/(Java) Component."
Lisp Users Group Meeting, Berkeley, CA. Nov 1998.
Deutsch, Stephen, Nichael Cramer, 1998.
"Omar Human Performance Modeling in a Decision Support Experiment."
42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, Chicago, IL, 1998
Cramer, Nichael Lynn, 1995.
"MIRAGE: A CLIM-based Editor for Building Gadget-oriented Graphical User Interfaces."
Association of Lisp Users Meeting and Workshop,Conference, Cambridge, Ma.
Deutsch, S.E., Cramer, N.L., & Feehrer, C.E., 1995.
"Research Development, Training and Evaluation (RDT&E;) Support: Operator Model Architecture, Final Report."
(AL/HR-TR-1995-0018). Wright-Patterson AFB, OH: Armstrong Laboratory, Logistics Research Division.
Levison, W.H., and N. L. Cramer, 1995.
"Description of the Integrated Driver Model."
(Publication No. FHWA-RD-94-092) McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Deutsch, S.E., MacMillian, J., Cramer, N.L., 1993.
"Operator Model Architecture (OMAR) Demonstration Final Report."
(AL/HR-TR-1996-0161). Wright-Patterson AFB, OH: Armstrong Laboratory, Logistics Research Division.
Corker, K., N.L. Cramer, Mar 1989.
"Methodology for Evaluation of Automation Impacts on Command Control C2 Systems: Operational Concept Document".
Corker, K., E. Hudlicka, D. Young, N.L. Cramer, Jan 1989.
"Telerobotic Workstation Design Aid",
NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, Pasadena CA.
Durisen, R. H., N.L. Cramer, T.L. Mullikin and J.N. Cuzzi. 1989.
"Ballistic Transport in Planetary Ring Systems Due to Particle Erosion Mechanism: 1.Theory, Numerical Methods and Illustrative Examples",
Icarus 80, 136-166.
Huclicka, E., K. Corker, N. L. Cramer, D. Young, S. Baron. 1989.
"Intelligent Situation Assesment and Response Aiding in Flight Engineering",
AIAA Computers in Aerospace VII Conference, Monterey CA.
Cramer, N. and B. Anderson. 1986.
"D/DEDALUS: An interactive Object-Oriented Dashboard Editor",
Texas Instruments Engineering Journal. Vol 3, No 1: 176-183.
Cramer, Nichael Lynn, 1985.
"A Representation for the Adapative Generation of Simple Sequential Programs."
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications [ICGA85], CMU, Pittsburgh.
On-line Version.
(A paper on Genetic Programming. The first paper to describe the tree-like representation and operators for the use in manipulation of programs by Genetic Algorithms.)
Cramer, N.L, 1984.
"D/DEDALUS User's Manual",
Computer Science Laboratory, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX.
Lineberry, A., N.L. Cramer, F Lystad and R Stern. 1984.
"Intelligent Automation of Emergency Procedures in Advanced Fighter Aircraft",
The Conference ,Artificial Intelligence Applications, Denver.
Durisen, R. H., N.L. Cramer, T.L. Mullikin and J.N. Cuzzi. 1982.
"The Evolution of Saturn's Rings Due to Particle Erosion Mechanism",
Saturn Conference, held at Tuscon AZ.
Technical Reports:
Deutsch, Stephen; Richard Pew; Robert Granville; Bruce Roberts; Alice Mulvehill; Nichael Cramer, 1998.
"Automating Maintenance Instructsion Study, Vol1: Procedure Planning Technologies",
BBN Report #8231.
Deutsch, Stephen, Jean MacMillan, Nichael L. Cramer, Sonu Chopra, 1997.
"Operator Model Architecture (OMAR) Support Final Report",
BBN Report #8179.
Deutsch, Stephen, Nichael Cramer, Bob Clements, Jun 1996.
"Vehicle/Aricrew Procedure and Control Modeling: Vol. 1: Aircrew Procedure Advisory",
BBN Report #8121.
Reinhardt, T., N.L. Cramer, Feb 1993.
"SCORE: An Architecture for Modeling Information Flow on the Flight Deck",
BBN Report #7837.
Corker, K., N.L. Cramer, E. Henry, Oct 1989.
"Methodology for Evaluation of Automation Impacts on Command Control C2 Systems: Implementation",
BBN Report #7242.
Corker, K., N. L. Cramer, E. Henry, Mar 1989.
"Methodology for Evaluation of Automatic Impacts on Command Control C2 Systems: Operation Concept Document",
BBN Report.
Corker, K., N.L. Cramer, R. Spaeth, E. Henry, Feb 1989.
"Methodology for Evaluation of Automation Impacts on Command Control C2 Systems: Domain Selection and Approach",
BBN Report #6768.
Durisen, R. H., N.L. Cramer, B.W. Murphy, J.N. Cuzzi and T.L. Mullikin. 1987.
"Ballistic Transport in Planetary Ring Systems Due to Particle Erosion Mechanism",
Indiana University/NASA-Ames Research Consortium Technical Report.